Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
With the vision of "Safe Food and Drug, Healthy People, Well-being Society", we are making extensive efforts to safeguard consumersand promote the public health by ensuring the safety of all foods, drugs, cosmetics, herbal medicines, and medical devices that we havein our daily lives.
The importance of risk management for food and drug safety is ever growing and the scope of management is expanding. As more and more people are seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial to ensure that the food and drugs they have are safeand effective. We, at the MFDS, are dedicated to advance our mission of protecting and promoting the health of the people in the same way we carefor our own families, and help create a safer and healthier food and drug environment.
I hope this website provides you with all the information you may need and look forward to any feedback from you. I would like to askfor your continued interest and support for the MFDS.
Thank you.