Food Additives Code(#2023-60, 2023.9.20.)
- Registration Date 2023-10-30
- Hit 41532
Food Additives Code(#2023-60, 2023.9.20.) 해당 영문버전은 참고용으로만 활용하시기 바라며, 현행 「식품첨가물의 기준 및 규격」을 꼭 확인하시기 바랍니다.
This English version is meant purely as a documentation tool and has no legal effect. The authentic version of the code, which is written in Korean, is published on MFDS's website(Korean), therefore, please confirm the Korean version of the code for sure.
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Food Additives Code(2023-60, 2023.9.20).pdf Download
Division 첨가물기준과
Written by 홍성이
Telephone 043-719-2508