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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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Bilateral Cooperation

Bilateral Cooperation

List of MOU (Memorandom of Understanding) with foreign regulatory authorities and International Organizations

(Last updated 31 Dec. 2023)

List of MOU (Memorandom of Understanding) with foreign regulatory authorities and International Organizations
Counterpart Date of Signature Area of Cooperation Language
Nation/Region Organization Korean  English Others 
Saudi Arabia Food and Drug Authority 22 Oct. 2023 food, medical products Download
UN UNODC 14 Sep. 2023 narcotics Download
EU DG Sante, DG Trade 13 Sep. 2023 food Download
Paraguay National Directorate of Sanitary Surveillance 28 Aug. 2023 pharmaceuticals, medical devices Download
Argentina NATIONAL SERVICE FOR AGRI-FOOD HEALTH AND QUALITY 10 Aug. 2023 fishery products Download
United States of America Samaritan Daytop Village 20 Jul. 2023 narcotics Download
China CFSA 31 May. 2023 food Download
New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries 10 May. 2023 food Download
Australia Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 10 May. 2023 food Download
Brazil Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply 10 May. 2023 food Download
Peru SANIPES 13 Jan. 2023 fishery products Download
Russian Federation Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare 8 Feb. 2022 medical products Download
Philippines BFAR 20 Dec. 2021 fishery product Download Download
Germany BfArM 17 Nov. 2021 medicinal product, medical devices Download
Ireland HPRA 21 Oct. 2021 medicinal product, medical devices Download
China The State Administration for Market Regulation 27 Sep. 2021 food Download Download Download
Chile SAG 31 Aug. 2021 livestock Download Download Download
Indonesia Indonesian FDA 28 Jan. 2021 food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics Download
Denmark DKMA 13 Nov. 2020 medicine, biological product, pharmaceutical, medical devices Download
NORWAY NFSA 23 Sept. 2020 food (fishery products) Download Download
EU EMA 24 June. 2020 pharmaceuticals Download
FRANCE ANSM 20 Dec. 2019 pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics Download Download Download
EU EDQM 19 Dec. 2019 pharmaceuticals Download
SINGAPORE HSA 23 Nov. 2019 GMP for pharmaceuticals Download Download
AUSTRALIA DOA 24 Jun. 2019 food Download Download
CHILE SERNAPESCA 27 Mar. 2019 food (fishery products) Download Download Download
P.R.CHINA NMPA 26 Feb. 2019 pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics Download Download Download
VIETNAM MARD 17 May 2018 food Download
VIETNAM MOH 16 May 2018
food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices Download
WHO EMP 30 May 2017 medical products Download
PERU MINSA 9 Dec. 2017 pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics Download Download Download
ARGENTINA ANMAT 7 Dec. 2016 food, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, cosmetics Download Download Download
WHO EMP 7 Dec. 2016 vaccines Download Download -
WPRO WPRO 27 Jun. 2016(Amended) food, medicines, medical devices, health technology applied products Download Download
IRAN FDO 3 May 2016 food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices Download
MEXICO MOH 4 Apr. 2016 GMP for pharmaceuticals Download Download Download
GERMANY MOH 10 Mar. 2016 medicinal products, medical devices Download
(currently, GACC)
31 Oct. 2015 food (Samgyetang)
* Co-signed with MAFF
P.R.CHINA NCFSRA 10 Sept. 2015 food Download Download Download
JAPAN MHLW 17 Aug. 2015 medical products, medical devices, quasi-drugs, cosmetics Download Download Download
ITALIA AIFA 19 Nov. 2014 therapeutic products Download Download Download
BRASIL ANVISA 18 Nov. 2014 food, pharmaceuticals, medical devices Download Download Download
MEXICO COFEPRIS 27 May 2014 pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices Download Download Download
ECUADOR MOH 11 Mar. 2014 food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices Download Download Download
SWITZERLAND FDHA 20 Jan. 2014 therapeutic products Download Download Download
(currently, GACC)
20 Dec. 2013
food Download Download Download
(currently, GACC)
20 Dec. 2013
cosmetics Download Download Download
P.R.CHINA CFDA(divided into SAMR and NMPA) 19 Dec. 2013(Amended) food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices Download Download Download
UK MHRA 4 Dec. 2013 pharmaceuticals,medical devices Download
DENMARK DHMA 2 Dec. 2013 medicines, medical devices Download
UGANDA NDA 13 Jun. 2013 drugs (including biopharmaceuticals, herbal/traditional medicines), medical devices, narcotics Download Download
POLAND URPLWMiPB 5 Jun. 2013 pharmaceuticals, medical devices Download Download Download
P.R.CHINA CIQ SANDONG(currently, GACC) 26 Nov. 2012 food
* Signed by Gyeongin Regional FDS
Download Download Download
INDONESIA NADFC 12 Jul. 2012 food, food supplement, medicinal products, cosmetics Download Download Download
AUSTRALIA FSANZ 14 Jul. 2011 food Download Download
SINGAPORE HSA 5 Jun. 2010 pharmaceutical products (incl. herbal medicinal products, quasi drugs), cosmetics, medical devices Download Download
CHILE MOH 20 Jun. 2006 food Download Download Download
* CA (confidential arrangement) is included
** expired MOU is not listed