Greetings to all.
I am the Minister of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, Yu-Kyoung Oh.
The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety is in charge of ensuring the safety of food and medical products that we use in daily life from the moment we wake up every day. All staff of the Ministry, myself included, are working our utmost to ensure our people of a safe and healthy life.
We face a tremendous challenge and transformation ahead as we experience societal changes and technological innovations. MFDS will stand firm against all challenges while strengthening our safety net so that our public can feel safe during this age of transformation.
We, MFDS, will mobilize our efforts in innovating regulatory science to harness the fruits of future technologies – such as food tech, biotechnology, and digital health – based on the foundations of safety and trust. Also, by taking a public-centered approach to food and medical products policies, we will support our people to enjoy healthier and happier lives.
The Ministry's website is open to all, serving as a channel for communication. We are ready to listen to your voices with an open heart and stand by you at all times.
Thank you.