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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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Biological Products

(Biologics) Korea Vaccine Co. Ltd.
  • Registration Date 2016-10-14
  • Hit 13937

Company Information

1. Name

Korea Vaccine Co. Ltd.

2. Website Address

3. Location

44, Jungdae-ro 9 gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea (Garak-dong, Doowon B/D)

4. Contacts

T: +82-2-443-1961

5. References

Pharmaceutical Product Information

1. Brand Name

Kovax Polio PF Inj.

2. Active Ingredient

Per 1 pre-filled syringe(0.5㎖),

Inactivated Poliovirus type 1(Mahoney strain-40D antigen unit), type 2(MEF-1 strain-8D antigen unit), type 3(Saukett strain-32D antigen unit) etc.

3. Indication

Prevention of poliomyelitis

4. Information

Pre-filled syringe filled with yellowish red or red transparent liquid formulation

5. Images

Pharmaceutical Product Information

1. Brand Name

Kovax Flu PF Inj.

2. Active Ingredient

Per 1 pre-filled syringe(0.5㎖), Influenza virus type A and type B hemagglutinin 45㎍ etc.

3. Indication

Prevention of influenza

4. Information

Colorless & transparent pre-filled syringe filled with transparent or slightly white turbid solution. Bulk from GreenCross(South Korea)

5. Images

Pharmaceutical Product Information

1. Brand Name

Influenza HA Vaccine Kovax

2. Active Ingredient

1㎖ contains Influenza virus type A and type B hemagglutinin 90㎍ etc.

3. Indication

Prevention of influenza

4. Information

Vial with transparent or slightly white turbid solution. Bulk from BIKEN(Japan)

5. Images

Pharmaceutical Product Information

1. Brand Name

Kovax Influ PF Inj.

2. Active Ingredient

Per 1 pre-filled syringe(0.5㎖), Influenza virus type A and type B hemagglutinin 45㎍ etc.

3. Indication

Prevention of influenza

4. Information

Colorless & transparent pre-filled syringe filled with transparent or slightly white turbid solution. Bulk from IL-Yang (South Korea)

5. Images

Pharmaceutical Product Information

1. Brand Name

Kovax Freeze-dried Agkistrodon Antivenom Inj.

2. Active Ingredient

Per 1 vial, Freeze-dried Agkistrodon(Salmusa) Antivenom 6,000units etc.

3. Indication

Treatment of the bite of Agkistrodon acutus

4. Information

Injection drug in colorless transparent vial containing white or lemon yellow freeze-dried powder. (Colorless or lemon yellow) Clean or slightly white turbid liquid when the added solvent is applied.

5. Images

Attached File


Written by 전형옥