Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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International Risk Information

KFDA plans on year-round control on illegal and adulterated food!
  • Registration Date 2012-02-01
  • Hit 9280

- Rigid control on sanitation operation and fraudulent act of the producers

Korea Food and Drug Administration(KFDA) announced it would clamp down on chronically vulnerable sanitary control and on deceitful act of habitual and will-ful illegalities throughout the year to eradicate illegal and adulterated food.

To root out insanitary cooking and manufacturing process, KFDA will carry out intensive monthly control on ▲ cooked food sold in convenience stores (including restaurants in rest areas) ▲ instant food sold in discount stores ▲ Franchise/family restaurants ▲ PB food products sold in discount stores. It will also focus on blocking consumer fraud by collecting and examining ▲ false labeling of contents such as vitamin and calcium contents ▲ false labeling of caffeine content in caffeinated products ▲ violation of labeling standards for 'additive free' labeling products

Additionally, the year-round inspections will be carried out on ▲ production and sales of false sesame oil ▲ Restaurants in wedding/funeral halls and delivery restaurants etc.

* In 2011, inspectors found 110 violations on production and sales of false sesame oil, insanitary production condition of fish paste product manufacturers and false and exaggerative advertisement of mobile sales advertisement

KFDA hopes for year-round control to mark improvements in stubbornly vulnerable sanitation operations and further quell a sense of public insecurity about food.

It plans to inform the industry of the inspection plans by sector prior to the inspection to spur self control, conduct sterner punishments by decree for companies violating the standards and examine post evaluation on reformation to improve the problem

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Written by Spokesperson