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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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International Risk Information

[Australia] FSANZ advice on imported food (2017-08-15)
  • Registration Date 2017-08-18
  • Hit 460

FSANZ informs the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources on whether foods pose a potential medium to high risk to public health. The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources then determines appropriate measures at the Australian border to manage the food safety risk.

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources inspects imported food to check it meets Australian public health and safety requirements and to ensure it complies with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Visit the department’s website for information about the Imported Food Inspection Scheme and for answers to frequently asked questions about imported food.

FSANZ takes an evidence-based approach to determine if foods present a food safety risk. Completed FSANZ assessments are listed below.

Biosecurity restrictions exist on food such as meat, fruit, eggs, vegetables and dairy products from certain countries. For this reason, any foods listed below that do not meet biosecurity requirements will not be allowed into Australia. Please refer to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources website for more information about Australia’s biosecurity requirements.

Completed imported food risk statements

This table will be updated as new assessments are finalised and provided to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

More information
Enforcement agencies

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Imported Food Inspection Scheme

Australia's safe food system

Importing food from New Zealand​

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Written by Risk Information Division