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[USA] How Many Calories in That? New York City Delays Enforcing Labeling Rules (2017-08-25)
  • Registration Date 2017-08-28
  • Hit 401

New York City on Friday agreed to postpone enforcement of a rule requiring restaurants, convenience stores and other establishments to post calorie counts for prepared food. The move came in response to an industry lawsuit that was supported by the federal government.

The city said that it would wait to enforce the calorie posting rules until May, when the Food and Drug Administration is scheduled to put its own rules on calorie labeling into effect.

The federal rules were required by Congress in 2010 as part of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, but the Food and Drug Administration repeatedly delayed their implementation.

They were finally supposed to go into effect in May but the Trump administration decided to wait an additional year. At that point the city, which had been an early advocate of calorie labeling in restaurants, said that it would act on its own. The city’s Health Department said that its own labeling rules, which were already on the books, would take effect immediately and that, after a phase-in period, it would begin enforcing them this month.

In response, a group of trade organizations representing convenience stores and restaurants filed a federal lawsuit in Manhattan seeking to block the city from enforcing it before the federal rule went into effect. This month, the federal government filed court papers backing the industry and arguing that the federal labeling law bars cities and other jurisdictions from enacting calorie labeling rules that are not identical to the federal rules. Lawyers for the federal government said that included the date the rules were to go into effect.

Although the F.D.A. under former President Barack Obama was responsible for most of the delays so far, city officials are concerned that under the Trump administration the agency will postpone the implementation of the labeling rules indefinitely.

On Friday, however, the F.D.A., which had been in talks with the city, put up a statement on its website from the agency’s commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, saying that it would issue additional guidance on the labeling rule by the end of the year and that it expected the industry to be ready to comply with the rule by the May deadline.

The city and federal rules both require chain restaurants, convenience stores and other establishments to post calorie counts for prepared foods. That includes menu items in restaurants and items such as sandwiches and drinks in stores. They must also post a notice informing customers of the federally recommended dietary intake of 2,000 calories a day, as well as making additional nutritional information available to customers.

Most chain restaurants and many convenience stores operating in the city already provide calorie information to their customers and, as part of Friday’s agreement with the city, the industry groups that brought the lawsuit said that their members who already post calorie counts will continue to do so.

Several studies have shown little impact of calorie labels on the choices that people make when they buy food. But advocates argue that it is still worthwhile to provide nutritional information for those who want it.

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