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International Risk Information

[Australia] 106-2019 new import conditions for thermally treated salmonid products from a country with an approved competent authority (2019-06-28)
  • Registration Date 2019-07-03
  • Hit 309
[Who does this notice affect?] This notice is of interest to importers of salmon and salmonid products, as well as associated industry participants and retailers. [What has changed?] New Import conditions for thermally treated salmon have been finalised and are available in Biosecurity Advice 2019-A04. The new conditions allow for the import of heat treated salmon of any type provided that: - The salmon has undergone an approved heat treatment, please refer to Biosecurity Advice 2019-A04 for details. - Is exported from a country approved to export salmon to Australia, please refer to Biosecurity Advice 2019-A04 for details. The new conditions have simplified the requirements for imported thermally treated salmonid product. The department will contact existing importers shortly to provide advice about changes to their import permits for thermally treated salmon products. [Further information] Further information on these changes can be found at Biosecurity Advice 2019-A04. Biosecurity import conditions are available on the department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions database (BICON). [Contact Information] If you require further information please call 1800 900 090 or email Imports.
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Division Risk Information Division

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