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International Risk Information

[Canada] Government of Canada, Juice and juice products (2023-05-05)
  • Registration Date 2023-05-11
  • Hit 557

Juice and juice products

When a highly concentrated juice is added to a product for colouring purposes, how must this ingredient be declared in the list of ingredients

The general rules for declaration of ingredients and allergens would apply. The requirement for grouping sugars-based ingredients may also apply, depending on the final food. The highly concentrated juice, which is being added for colouring purposes, must be shown in the ingredient list and its components must also be declared, if any. Please note that the ingredient (for example, concentrated grape juice) is also subject to any applicable standard of identity and common name prescribed under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations and Food and Drug Regulations.

Although the ingredient is being added for colouring purposes, it is not necessary to specify the ingredient's colouring function within parentheses following the ingredient (for example, "concentrated grape juice (for colour)"). This would constitute optional additional information.

May banana puree, when used as an ingredient in a food, be used as part of the calculation to make the label claim "contains X% juice"

No, banana puree may not be used in the calculation of "contains X% juice". In order to determine the amount of "juice" contributed by the banana puree, one would have to extract the liquid portion and measure it to determine its contribution to the percentage of juice in the food.

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Division Risk Information Division

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