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International Risk Information

[EU] Public cousultation : infant and follow-on formula from protein hydrolysates (2017-01-16)
  • Registration Date 2017-01-19
  • Hit 467

EFSA has launched a public consultation on its draft guidance for the preparation and presentation of applications for authorisation of infant or follow-on formulae manufactured from protein hydrolysates.

The guidance document specifies what kind of information and data applicants need to submit. It covers applications for the assessment of the safety and suitability of the specific formula and applications on the formula’s efficacy in reducing the risk of infants becoming allergic to milk proteins.

EFSA invites interested parties to submit written comments by 3 March 2017.
•Public consultation on a draft scientific and technical guidance for the preparation and presentation of an application for authorisation of an infant and/or follow-on formula manufactured from protein hydrolysates

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division