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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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International Risk Information

[Australia] 2016-09 - Republic of Korea: Dairy products not eligible for export (2016-12-16)
  • Registration Date 2016-12-22
  • Hit 586

Industries - Export Dairy Establishments, Industry bodies - Dairy Australia, Licensed exporters
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - Central and Regional offices, ATMs and FOMs

Affected Markets: Republic of Korea

Further information: Please contact Exports if you have queries.

Further to Market Access Advice 2016-05, the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources provides the following information to clarify the categories of dairy products which, in accordance with the requirements of the Special Act on Imported Food Safety Management, Australia are not approved for export to the Republic of Korea (Korea).

The following dairy products categories are currently not approved to be exported to Korea until further notice:

The department is currently working with Korea to confirm access for processed milks, non-fat milk and ice cream mixes; however, until further notice, these products are unable to be exported to Korea.

Certification for dairy products

Certification will remain available for all Australian dairy products; however, trade in these products from establishments not approved by Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety or without a history of trade to Korea occurs at commercial risk. Exporters are encouraged to work with their importers to confirm product eligibility prior to export.

Should further information be required regarding certification arrangements or exporters encounter product clearance issues, please contact the department at Food Export Documentation.

The department will provide further information as it becomes available.

The information provided above is current at the time of writing and is intended for use as guidance only and should not be taken as definitive or exhaustive. The Commonwealth endeavours to keep information current and accurate, however, it may be subject to change without notice. Exporters are encouraged to verify these details with their importers prior to undertaking production/exports. The Commonwealth will not accept liability for any loss resulting from reliance on information contained in this notice.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division