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[UK] Views wnated on two novel food applications by 2 Feburary 2017 (2017-01-12)
  • Registration Date 2017-01-16
  • Hit 462

Two companies have applied to the Food Standards Agency for approval to market their novel food products in the EU under the Novel Food Regulation (EC) 258/97. Views are wanted on the company’s applications to inform the assessment of these products.

The first application is seeking to extend the food categories to which oils rich in fatty acids (Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)) extracted from microalgae can be used. The second is seeking authorisation to sell their phytosterol ester on the basis that it is substantial equivalent to the phytosterol ester ingredients that are authorised to be marketed in the EU. Further details of these applications can be found on the ACNFP webpages at the links below.

About novel foods

A novel food is a food or food ingredient that does not have a significant history of consumption within the European Union before 15 May 1997.

Before any new food product can be introduced on the European market it must be rigorously assessed for safety. In the UK, the assessment of novel foods is carried out by the Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP), an independent committee of scientists appointed by the FSA. In the case of this dossier it has been concluded by the Agency that a further assessment by EFSA is required.

Deadline for comments

The Food Standards Agency is inviting comments on the two applications. Any comments should be emailed to the ACNFP Secretariat at by Thursday 2 February 2017. The comments received will be passed to the Committee to inform its assessment of these novel food ingredients.

Phytosterol Ester

January 2017 - An application from X'ian Healthful Biotechnology for an opinion on equivalence of their phytosterol ester compared with phytosterol ester ingredients marketed by Archer Daniels Midland. Under evaluation

DHA rich oils from Shizochytrium microalgae species

January 2017 - Application from Mara Renewables Corporation to extend the food categories to which docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) rich oil from schizochytrum can be used in the European Union (EU) as a food ingredient under Regulation (EC) 258/97. Under Evaluation

Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP)

The Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) is a non-statutory, independent body of scientific experts that advises the Food Standards Agency on any matters relating to novel foods (including genetically modified foods) and novel processes (including food irradiation).

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Written by Risk Information Division