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International Risk Information

[Canada] New regulations for livestock Premises Identification (2017-01-12)
  • Registration Date 2017-01-16
  • Hit 451

January 12, 2017 – Regina, Saskatchewan – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Saskatchewan Agriculture

Today, the Government of Saskatchewan announced changes to Saskatchewan's Premises Identification (PID) program, a key traceability tool to plan for, control and prevent the spread of animal diseases and to respond to other emergencies.

Over the coming months, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture livestock programs will begin requiring applicants to have a PID number to participate.

Saskatchewan's voluntary PID program was launched in June 2014. Currently, less than 3,000 of the province's livestock and poultry producers, veterinarians, feedlots, and other livestock commingling sites are enrolled. Requiring a PID number for program eligibility will help the province reach full PID participation, which is necessary to make the system effective. Manitoba and Alberta have similar regulations that mandate enrollment in their PID programs.

An effective PID database is used to plan and implement emergency responses in the case of an animal health concern, a public health emergency, or an emergency such as a natural disaster that affects animals and people. Registrants' information will be kept private and only used in such emergencies.

The Saskatchewan PID database is funded through Growing Forward 2, a cost-shared partnership between federal, provincial and territorial (FPT) governments designed to support an innovative, competitive and profitable Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector.

For more information on PID, visit and search "Premises Identification". Registration can be completed online.


"The federal government proudly supports a healthy, sustainable and robust agriculture industry. These new requirements will help Saskatchewan producers protect the health of their livestock, as well as their farm businesses."
- Lawrence MacAulay, Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

"As one of the three pillars of traceability, Premises Identification is an important part of ensuring the health and safety of our province's livestock. With a full PID database, we'll be in a better position to prevent or respond to an animal disease outbreak or natural disaster."
- Lyle Stewart, Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture

"I want to make sure I'm in the best position possible to protect my cattle if a disease outbreak happens. That's why registering for a PID number just made sense; it was an easy way to make sure my cattle would be safe in an emergency."
- Rick Toney, Saskatchewan Cattlemen's Association Vice-Chair
Additional links
•Growing Forward 2 (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada)
•Growing Forward 2 in Saskatchewan


Guy Gallant
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Follow us on Twitter: @AAFC_Canada
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Trelle Kolojay
Saskatchewan Agriculture
306-527-0521 (cellular)

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Written by Risk Information Division