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[USA] Local Official Joins Opposition Against Soda Tax (2017-02-06)
  • Registration Date 2017-02-09
  • Hit 434

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A group of Pennsylvania legislators, including three from Philadelphia, are siding with the beverage industry in the suit against the city’s sweetened beverage tax.

A former candidate for mayor is among those filing a brief in Commonwealth Court.

Tony Williams is one of five state senators and 31 House members to join an amicus brief in an appeal of a lower court decision that the tax is lawful.

Their attorney, Scott Cooper, says their interest in the case stems from the potential loss of $2-8 million in state revenue if soda sales go down because of the tax.

“And that’s sales tax revenue they can’t use in the budget, and there are a lot of services, even in Philadelphia, that everyone’s constituents might end up losing,” Cooper said.

Mayor Kenney was surprised that Williams, as well as House members Angel Cruz and Martina White, joined the beverage industry to oppose a tax that is funding pre-K expansion and public facility rebuild.

“A lot of the pre-K that is happening is in his district. The bulk of the playgrounds and rec centers and libraries that will be improved are in their districts,” Kenney said.

The one-and-a-half cent an ounce tax went into effect January 1st.

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