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International Risk Information

[Australia] Amendment No.167 - 9 February 2017 (2017-02-09)
  • Registration Date 2017-02-09
  • Hit 457

Amendment No.167 contains amendments to the following standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code:

Standard 4.5.1 – Wine Production Requirements
Schedule 2 – Units of measurement
Schedule 15 – Substances that may be used as food additives
Schedule 26 – Food produced using gene technology

The Applications under which these amendments have been made are:

A1117 – Extension of Use of L-cysteine as a Food Additive
A1119 – Addition of Water to facilitate Wine Fermentation
A1128 – Food derived from reduced Acrylamide Potential & Browning Potato Line E12

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Written by Risk Information Divisioin