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International Risk Information

[Australia] IFN 24-16 - Review of the Imported Food Control Regulations - Request for comment
  • Registration Date 2016-12-23
  • Hit 529


This notice advises that the department has commenced a period of public consultation as part of the review of the Imported Food Control Regulations (Regulations).

Why the review is being conducted

Under the Legislation Act 2003, legislative instruments made prior to 1995 will automatically be repealed on 1 October 2018, unless a replacement instrument is made to ensure continuity of the law, before the relevant instrument sunsets. This applies to the Regulations.

The department considers that the Regulations are still required to achieve the objectives of the Imported Food Control Act 1992, however amendments to ensure their ongoing relevance and compliance with current legislative drafting practices need to be considered. For this reason the department is conducting a review of the Regulations.

Make a contribution

An important component of the department’s review is a period of public consultation which will commence on 20 December 2016 and close at 5pm on 24 February 2017.

This public consultation will provide an opportunity for interested parties to submit comments that will form part of the review prior to proceeding to remake the Regulations. Any changes to existing policy that may be recommended by the review will be subject to government consideration and agreement.

Next steps

Information on how to make a submission for this review is provided in the public consultation document which can be accessed from the department’s webpage, Review of the Imported Food Control Regulations.

Enquiries and submissions may be directed to Food Imports.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division