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International Risk Information

[Canada] Canadian Agriculture Committee rejects mandatory GMO labels (2016-12-19)
  • Registration Date 2016-12-21
  • Hit 454

The House of Commons Agriculture Committee has recommended Ottawa pursue mandatory warning labels on food for health and safety reasons only — and not to tell consumers a product has been genetically modified.

“Given that no risks to health have been identified for GM [genetically modified] foods approved in Canada, there are no particular labelling requirements,” the committee said in its new report on genetically modified animals.

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Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay asked MPs to look at Canadian rules and regulations on genetically modified animals last May after Health Canada approved AquAdvantage Salmon for human and animal consumption. …

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Health Canada has said no special labelling requirements will be required in Canada because “no health and safety concerns were identified.”

“GM foods are becoming more common every day and are part of the regular diets of Canadians,” Health Canada said in May. “GM foods that have been approved by Health Canada have been consumed in Canada for many years, and are safe and nutritious.”

Not everyone agrees. NDP Health Critic Don Davies has called for the fish to be labelled as genetically modified so that consumers are better informed — a position reinforced by the party … in a dissenting report.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion and analysis. Read full, original post: No mandatory labelling needed for GM foods, Commons committee says

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Written by Risk Information Division