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International Risk Information

[USA] King County to implement new restaurant inspection ratin system (2016-11-08)
  • Registration Date 2016-11-10
  • Hit 521

SEATTLE - King County will implement a rating system for how well restaurants perform in their food safety inspections.

Restaurants in King County will have a window sign near the entrance of their business with the restaurant rating.

The county is asking the public's opinion on the window sign designs. Take the survey at this link.

Users can also take the survey in Spanish, Cietnamese, CantoneseMandarin, Sonali, Amharic and Korean.

Food safety inspections conducted by Public Health Seattle & King County determine if a restaurant has met the minimum standards to operate.

The grade displayed on the window sign will represent how well a restaurant has met the minimum standard.

Public Health said purpose of the ratings is to help people make educated dining decisions with the goals of providing information that is easy to understand, promotes food safety and is fair to food businesses.

A movement around Seattle to publicly post their inspection scores was renewed after recent E. Coli outbreaks.

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Written by Risk Information Division