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[New Zealand] NZ's first 'no sugary drinks logo' unveiled today (2016-10-11)
  • Registration Date 2016-10-12
  • Hit 540

New Zealand's first "no sugary drinks" logo has been produced in a bid to highlight the health damage from too much sugar in diets.

The logo has been devised by Auckland University marketing lecturer Dr Bodo Lang for health advocacy group FIZZ, of which he is a member.

It will be unveiled on today at a symposium - Toward a Sugary Drink Free Aotearoa - at Otago University's Wellington School of Medicine.

"Just like the smoke-free/auahi kore logo allowed people to draw a line in the sand against smoking, this new logo will empower communities to lift their health and wellbeing," Dr Lang said.

"It'll also send a clear message about the damage that excess sugar is causing."

Dr Lang said the symposium would look at progress made by individual schools and community groups, but would also address policy change.

New Zealanders on average consume about 37 teaspoons of sugar per day - four times the maximum recommended by the American Heart Association.

FIZZ, which comprises researchers and doctors who want New Zealand to be free of sugary drinks by 2025, wants a tax and a nationwide school ban on such drinks.

Meanwhile, Auckland-based Maori public health organisation Hapai Te Hauora has called for national and regional support for community-led programmes.

"Otherwise we are still sending people back into a community environment saturated with sugary drinks, which undermines the good work being done," spokesman Anthony Hawke said.


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Written by Risk Information Division