Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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International Risk Information

[UK] FSA publishes list of incidents for July to September 2016 (2016-10-28)
  • Registration Date 2016-10-31
  • Hit 524

The FSA is today publishing a summary of food incidents handled between July and September 2016, where an alert has been issued by the FSA to recall or withdraw products from sale.

This quarterly list also includes information on investigations we supported relating to potential widespread risks from food poisoning and harmful contamination.

Over the three month period, we issued 54 food notices, of which 30 were allergy alerts, with the top three undeclared allergens being egg, nuts and mustard.

The FSA also led, and in some cases supported eleven incidents linked to possible risks of food poisoning and ten to do with physical contamination.

We also issued two food alerts relating to pet food, as the Food Standards Agency is responsible for animal feed regulations and the enforcement of pet food labelling through local authorities in England and Wales.

The information published today describes the overall details of the incident, the level of risk to consumers and what action we, industry and local authorities took.

The FSA has collated this data to make it easier for consumers to access incident information.

Richard Hoskin, Head of Incidents and Resilience Unit at the FSA, said: "We hope this data is useful for people who want to know more about the incidents we have been handling recently. It’s a retrospective look covering food incidents from July to September 2016. These aren’t live incidents but the list provides all of the important aspects of them in one place."

Each year, a small number of incidents are put forward for a detailed review so that the FSA can make improvements and identify lessons learned.

To get details of all the latest food withdrawals and recalls, you may wish to sign for our email updates and get the latest food and allergy alerts sent as an SMS text message to your mobile phone. You can also follow us on social media.

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Written by Risk Information Division