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International Risk Information

[Australia] Updated Safe Food Australia guide now available (2016-11-21)
  • Registration Date 2016-11-23
  • Hit 486

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) today released the third edition of Safe Food Australia.

Safe Food Australia is a guide to the food safety standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.

FSANZ Chief Executive Officer Steve McCutcheon said Safe Food Australia is used by government agencies responsible for enforcing food standards. Businesses may also find it offers guidance that will help them to comply with the standards.

“The new edition includes updated evidence and information to address current food safety issues and trends. It also provides new guidance for mobile, temporary and home-based vendors,” Mr McCutcheon said.

“It is now available as a searchable online document to help readers quickly and easily access the information they are looking for.

Mr McCutcheon also launched FSANZ’s online Food Safety Hub—a one stop food safety shop—providing information for food regulators, businesses and consumers.

“The Food Safety Hub brings together food safety advice, guides, resources and tools to make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.

“I encourage food businesses, regulators and consumers to visit the Food Safety Hub which can be accessed from the FSANZ website,” Mr McCutcheon said.

Safe Food Australia is available at and the Food Safety Hub can be accessed at

Safe Food Australia was prepared by FSANZ at the request of the Implementation Subcommittee on Food Regulation. Advice and guidance on complying with the Food Standards Code should be directed to local food enforcement agencies, as FSANZ is not able to interpret the requirements of the Food Standards Code.

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Written by Risk Information Division