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[Australia] APVMA review of omethoate complete (2016-12-13)
  • Registration Date 2016-12-15
  • Hit 503

Products containing omethoate will continue to be allowed for insect control on flowers, ornamentals and also as a barrier spray for controlling red-legged earth mite—provided all new labels contain the amended instructions to better protect human health.

However, labels on omethoate products can no longer include uses in the home garden, on food producing plants, horticultural crops, pastures, grain legumes or cereals.

This decision completes the APVMA’s review of omethoate, products containing omethoate and labels.

Dr Matthew O’Mullane said, following a formal reconsideration process, the weight of scientific evidence in relation to toxicology, occupational health and safety and residues—including dietary exposure and trade—means that most omethoate uses will be removed due to health and safety concerns.

‘Most previously allowed uses posed unacceptable risks to workers and the public through occupational or dietary exposure,’ said Dr O’Mullane, Executive Director, Scientific Assessment and Chemical Review.

‘A 12 month phase out period will allow stocks of existing products to be used up and any new labels will need to carry the new safety directions and first aid instructions to protect workers and those re-entering treated areas.’

Products with labels showing uses now no longer allowed can be supplied for a period of 12 months until 1 December 2017, after which all omethoate products sold must have labels which show the currently approved uses.

Consultation and alternative chemicals

Grower groups and the nursery industry were consulted during the review and their views were considered before the final regulatory decision was made.

The impact on growers is expected to be minimal as registered alternative chemicals are available for every use now removed as a result of the review, and the 12 month phase out period for products with old labels will give people the chance to use up old stock.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division