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International Risk Information

[Australia] IFN 16-16 - Changes to the analysis of uncooked slow dry cured ready-to-eat ham (2016-10-12)
  • Registration Date 2016-10-13
  • Hit 533


The purpose of this notice is to advise brokers and importers about upcoming changes to the analysis of uncooked slow dry cured ready-to-eat ham. Uncooked slow dry cured ready-to-eat ham includes products such as Parma ham and Serrano ham.

These changes are being made following the department’s consideration of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand risk statement for this food. This risk statement is available here.

What has changed?

From 2 November 2016, the following changes will apply to uncooked slow dry cured ready-to-eat ham:
•The analysis for coagulase-positive staphylococci will no longer apply.
•The analysis for Listeria monocytogenes will continue to apply but the rate will be reduced to 5 per cent of consignments. In addition, a new standard will apply for Listeria monocytogenes in uncookedslow dry cured ready-to-eat ham (see below).
•The analysis for Salmonella spp. will continue to apply but the rate will be reduced to 5 per cent of consignments.
•The analysis for Escherichia coli will continue to apply but the rate will be reduced to 5 per cent of consignments.

From 2 November 2016, the department will apply a new standard for Listeria monocytogenes in uncooked slow dry cured ready-to-eat ham. The new standard will allow up to 100 colony forming units/gram. So the department can apply this new standard, compositing of samples will not be permitted as the levels of Listeria monocytogenes must be determined in each sample.

Further details of the new requirements are available on the Tests applied to risk food webpage.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division