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International Risk Information

[Australia] Ready-to-eat uncooked dried meat, sausages and spreadable sausages (2016-10-12)
  • Registration Date 2016-10-13
  • Hit 558

Biosecurity requirements

All imported food must comply with Australia’s biosecurity import conditions. Check the Biosecurity Import Conditions database (BICON) to determine if the food you intend to import requires an import permit or a treatment or if it must meet any other conditions. All biosecurity requirements must be met before the Imported Food Control Act 1992 requirements apply.

The biosecurity requirements for the importation of uncanned meat and meat products from domestic stock (excluding porcine and avian) have been suspended pending a formal review. Import permits will not be issued for products affected by this suspension until the review is finalised.

For further information regarding the import of uncanned meat, please contact the Import Services Team.

Imported Food Inspection Scheme risk food

This webpage does not apply to uncooked slow dry cured ready-to-eat ham such as Iberian ham, Parma ham, Serrano ham and prosciutto. For information about the requirements for uncooked slow dry cured ready-to-eat ham please see UMH 10/2016.

This webpage applies to the following ready-to-eat uncooked meat products under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme:
•ready-to-eat uncooked dried meat, for example uncooked jerky and uncooked biltong.
•ready-to-eat uncooked sausages, for example uncooked salami, cacciatore, chorizo, dried sausages.
•ready-to-eat uncooked spreadable sausages, for example uncooked mettwurst, teewurst and schmierwurst.

These foods are currently not permitted because of biosecurity restrictions. For further information regarding the import of these meat products, please contact Imported Food.

Imports from New Zealand

Imports of this food from New Zealand will not be inspected or analysed under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme. This is because Australia and New Zealand have agreed to mutual recognition for the food safety controls for this food.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) advice on imported food

FSANZ provides advice to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources on whether foods pose a medium to high risk to public health. This advice is published on the FSANZ website.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division