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[USA] Chile government to outline mors salmon industry rules (2016-09-06)
  • Registration Date 2016-09-13
  • Hit 567

Chile’s government will meet with the salmon industry on Sept. 6 to give more details about a proposed second stage of its regulatory framework for the sector.

Salmon industry executives including Marine Harvest Chile head Per Roar Gjerde testified before the Chilean fishing commission of congress yesterday, as a first step in a two-day meeting to discuss the current state of Chile’s aquaculture industries, newspaper El Mercurio reported.

Fisheries subsecretariat Raul Sunico will outline further proposals on the second day of the meeting that will complement a new framework that was announced earlier this year. Although the government will listen to industry concerns about the industry, the government will be deciding on the framework alone, he said.

The new framework announced in June was widely criticized by industry actors including Marine Harvest, which has said that Chile’s salmon industry will lose profitability because of the new rules.

Yesterday Marine Harvest’s Gjerde said Chile’s salmon industry has “immense” potential to grow, but rules must be implemented “correctly” he said.

The industry will be waiting to see if the government proposes creating new so-called “macro zones” for production which reflects salmon industries in other countries such as Norway and has been the suggestion of companies such as Marine Harvest, the newspaper said.

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