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International Risk Information

[USA] Fruit Labeling Accuracy Act of 2016 World Prohibit Added Sugars Labeling for Naturally Tart Fruits (2016-09-29)
  • Registration Date 2016-10-04
  • Hit 489

•As reported on May 20, 2016 on this blog, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued final rules to implement changes to nutrition labeling requirement in the U.S. In our summary of the final rule on the Nutrition Facts label requirements, we reported that FDA will require a declaration of the amount of added sugar and percentage daily value if a product contains 1 gram or more of added sugars in a serving, or if claims are made about sweeteners, sugars or sugar alcohol content.

•Sean P. Duffy (R-WI) introduced the Fruit Labeling Accuracy Act of 2016 (H.R. 6142) on September 22, 2016, which would amend section 403(q) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to prohibit the FDA from requiring the percent of daily value of added sugars to be included in the labeling of certain nutrient-dense foods. More specifically, the bill would ban FDA from requiring the percent of daily value of added sugar to be included on the label of dried naturally tart fruits; or juice beverages that are made with at least 27% juice of a naturally tart fruit and contain no more than 28 grams of total sugars per serving or 111 calories per serving.

•While this bill likely has little chance of passing, it signals an effort to amend the recently announced nutrition labeling requirements.

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