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International Risk Information

[Canada] Notice to Industry - Centralization of Ministerial Exemptions, Permissions to Move, and Maple Authorizations (2016-09-30)
  • Registration Date 2016-10-04
  • Hit 547

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is centralizing the service for issuing Ministerial Exemptions, Permissions to Move and Maple Authorizations in the National Service Centre.

Ministerial Exemptions, Permissions to Move and Maple Authorizations are administrative authorizations that can be issued by the CFIA to a food processor, packer, or broker for the purpose of further processing, re-packing or re-labelling in Canada. Under certain circumstances, regulatory requirements (such as container, labelling and/or grade requirements) may be waived to allow for the movement of a non-compliant product from another province or country. Ministerial Exemptions may be issued for regulated fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, Permissions to Move for regulated processed fruits and vegetables and Maple Authorizations for maple products.

This new approach provides single window access for stakeholders to inquire about, or apply for a Ministerial Exemption, Permission to Move or Maple Authorization from the CFIA.

The National Service Centre service standard for issuing Ministerial Exemptions, Permissions to Move and Maple Authorizations is two business days for fresh fruits and vegetables and five business days for processed fruits and vegetables and maple products.

Effective October 31, 2016, local CFIA offices will no longer accept Ministerial Exemption, Permissions to Move or Maple Authorization applications. As of that date, all applications must be submitted to the National Service Centre by one of the following methods:
1.Email: (preferred method)
2.Fax: 289-247-4068

Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Centre of Administration
Permits, Licence and Registration
1050 Courtneypark Drive East
Mississauga, ON L5T 2R4

Ministerial Exemptions, Permissions to Move and Maple Authorizations do not exempt regulated parties from any food safety or plant protection requirements, or from any other applicable federal, provincial or municipal legislation.

Applicants should still ensure the required documentation is included in their application package as outlined in the existing guidelines.

Information sessions will be held from October 17 – 20, 2016 to provide details to stakeholders on these changes. To receive an invitation to these sessions, please email

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division