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International Risk Information

[USA] TTB Newsletter announces the latest changes to COLAs Online (2016-09-23)
  • Registration Date 2016-09-27
  • Hit 578


We told you last week about some changes that were coming to COLAs Online, TTB’s web-based system for applying for label approval for alcohol beverages. Well, those changes are live today! These improvements stem from our analysis of all the reasons we return COLA applications for correction. We want to help you submit applications and labels that can be approved as submitted without having to send the application back for corrections. Our goal is that by 2018 we can reduce label, formula, and lab analysis processing times to 10 days each. Stay tuned for more changes as we work towards that goal.

Here are some of the changes we’ve made to COLAs Online in this release:
•Simplified label application process by removing the alcohol content, net contents, wine vintage date, and fax number fields.
•New Appellation functionality (Domestic Wine only) to help ensure you correctly enter appellation of origin information that appears on the label (if any).

•Formula section redesigned to help you figure out if you are required to get a formula approval before you apply for label approval.

If you would like to know more details about these changes please read our "What’s new in COLAs Online" release notes.
We’ll be offering webinars in the very near future that will explain and demonstrate these changes. Dates and registration information will be posted on

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division