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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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International Risk Information

[Australia] Amendment No. 165 - 1 September 2016 (2016-09-01)
  • Registration Date 2016-09-02
  • Hit 555

Download: Amendment ​(pdf 345 kb) | (word 133 kb)

Amendment No. 165 contains amendments to the following standards in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.

Standard 1.1.1 – Structure of the Code and general provisions

Standard 1.2.1 – Requirements to have labels or otherwise provide information

Standard 1.2.11 – Information requirements – country of origin labelling

Schedule 26 – Food produced using gene technology

The Application and Proposal under which these amendments have been made are:

A1118 – Food derived from Herbicide-tolerant Corn Line MON87419
P1041 – Removal of Country of Origin Labelling Requirements

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division