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International Risk Information

[New Zealand] Animal Product (National Microbiological Database Specifications) Notices (2016-09-20)
  • Registration Date 2016-09-21
  • Hit 637

This notice sets specifications relating to the National Microbiological Database (NMD) Programme for red meat and poultry processing.

Animal Products (Specifications for National Microbiological Database Programme) Notice 2016 (599 KB PDF)
(effective from 3 October 2016)

Animal Products (National Microbiological Database Specifications) Notice 2015 (121 KB)

Animal Products (National Microbiological Database Specifications) Amendment Notice 2016 (164 KB PDF)

Coversheet: Animal Products (National Microbiological Database Specifications) Notice 2015 (39 KB PDF)

Schedule: Animal Products (National Microbiological Database Specifications) Notice 2015 (2 MB PDF)

Guidance and checklists for NMD Salmonella detections (49 KB PDF)

Guidance and checklists for NMD Salmonella detections (121 KB DOC)

NMD Random Sampling Spreadsheet (59 KB XLS)

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division