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International Risk Information

[Australia] IFN 10-16 - Help strengthen Australia’s imported food system by providing your feedback (2016-08-22)
  • Registration Date 2016-08-24
  • Hit 551

Who does this notice affect?

This notice is for food importers who are interested in strengthening Australia’s imported food safety system by providing feedback on the Imported Food Reforms – Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS).

What has changed?

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is working with the Department of Health to improve how we manage imported food safety risks without imposing undue costs on importers and consumers, as well as our trading partners. The proposed reform options seek to address the limitations of the current system, by providing more flexible and targeted ways to prevent and respond to food safety risks to better protect the health of consumers.

To assess the proposed options, we have released a consultation RIS for public comment for 30 working days, from 22 August 2016 to 30 September 2016.

Feedback on the consultation RIS will help us better understand and measure the implications of the proposed reform options on affected stakeholders and interested parties. Feedback will also provide input to the final assessment of options and decision making process for further Government consideration.

By providing feedback to the consultation RIS, you are helping to ensure the reform options considered are practical and viable.

Provide feedback on the reform options proposed in the consultation RIS.

Further information

For further information and to keep up to date with how the proposed reforms are progressing, please visit or contact the Imported Food Reform section or call 1800 900 090.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division