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International Risk Information

[EU] Public consultation: energy conversion factor of D-tagatose for labelling purposes (2016-07-18)
  • Registration Date 2016-07-20
  • Hit 636

EFSA has launched a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion on the energy conversion factor of D-tagatose for labelling purposes. D-tagatose is a natural sugar substitute which has been approved as a novel food in the EU in 2005. To establish its energy conversion factor for labelling purposes, EFSA uses the concept of metabolisable energy as requested by the European Commission, which takes into account the available information on absorption, excretion and fermentation in the colon. EFSA invites interested parties to submit written comments by 12 September 2016.

-Public consultation on a draft scientific opinion on the energy conversion factor for D-tagatose for labelling purposes

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Written by Risk Information Division