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[USA] Trans fat rule awaiting White House approval (2016-07-28)
  • Registration Date 2016-08-01
  • Hit 541

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is moving forward with a plan to ban trans fat from junk food.

The White House’s Office of Management and Budget this week began reviewing a proposed rule from the FDA that would crack down on partially hydrogenated oils, which are the biggest source of trans fat.

The FDA announced the effort to ban trans fat last summer but is now formally sending the proposed rule to the White House for approval.

Once the White House signs off, the FDA will be cleared to propose the rules in the Federal Register. Until that point, few details about the contents of the rule are available.

According to the FDA, trans fat can be found in foods like frozen pizza, fried chicken, french fries, potato chips, popcorn, cookies, cakes, pies, doughnuts and cinnamon rolls.

Trans fats are known to raise cholesterol, which can lead to heart disease.

“Removing [partially hydrogenated oils] from processed foods could prevent thousands of heart attacks and deaths each year,” the FDA estimates.

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Written by Risk Information Division