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International Risk Information

[USA] Constituent Update - September 23, 2016 (2016-09-23)
  • Registration Date 2016-09-27
  • Hit 604

FSIS Announces Results of the 2016 Food Defense Plan Survey

FSIS encourages all FSIS-regulated establishments to develop a functional food defense plan. Although having a plan is not a regulatory requirement, a functional food defense plan helps the establishment to focus on prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery actions to protect the business, its employees and its customers.

FSIS completed the 11th Annual Food Defense Plan Survey in April and May 2016. The survey included inspection program personnel at meat and poultry slaughter and processing establishments, processed egg products plants and official import inspection establishments. The response rate for the 2016 survey was 98%, the same as the 2015 response rate and the highest since the survey was initiated in 2006.

The 2016 survey found that 85% of all establishments have a functional food defense plan. As in previous years, larger establishments have a higher rate of implementing functional food defense plans: 98% of large establishments and 92% of small establishments have functional food defense plans, while 78% of very small establishments have functional plans. To encourage the voluntary adoption of functional food defense plans in regulated establishments, FSIS will continue outreach activities in FY 2017 with efforts focused on reaching very small establishments and developing new guidance on food defense tools and resources.

For guidance and documents related to food defense, visit For questions and additional assistance, contact the Food Defense Assessment Staff at Any policy-related questions can also be addressed through the Policy Development Division at or (800) 233-3935.

Guidebook for Emergency Preparedness for Small and Very Small Plants is Available

Emergencies are a fact of life in business, but not all emergencies are created equal. Some of them can be devastating, draining you both financially and emotionally. However, with proper planning, you can increase your chances of avoiding the most common emergencies and, if your luck runs out, lessen the negative impacts of those that do happen.

FSIS has developed a guidebook to assist the small or very small plant owner in preparing for responding to and recovering from some of the most common types of emergencies that you may encounter at your plant.

This easy to read guidebook covers the top five categories of emergencies that a small or very small plant is likely to face. Included in the book are tips on how to prepare for break-ins or thefts, chemical leak or spills, water contamination, power outages and the ever present threat of hazardous weather. You can use this guidebook as a starting point for thinking about the types of emergencies that might occur at your plant and developing written procedures for your employees to follow. Please visit

Food Safety Discovery Zone Wraps Up 2016 Tour in Massachusetts

The USDA’s Food Safety Discovery Zone (FSDZ) will be wrapping up its 2016 tour with its largest event of the year in the Big Eastern States Exposition, “The Big E,” from Sept. 16 to Oct. 2, 2016. The schedule is as follows: Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST and Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST. The FSDZ will be at 1305 Memorial Ave, West Springfield, Mass.

FSIS uses the FSDZ, a 40-foot interactive vehicle to educate consumers about the four food safety messages: Clean, Separate, Cook and Chill from the Food Safe Families campaign. Some of the features in the vehicle include a hand washing station where visitors can learn the proper techniques to washing hands, and a cooking station to demonstrate how to properly use a food thermometer to verify foods have been cooked to a safe internal temperature. For more information, please visit

E. coli Testing Update

FSIS posts bi-weekly updates of the Agency’s raw ground beef E. coli sampling program, which includes testing results of raw ground beef component samples for E. coli O157:H7and STECs from FSIS routine and follow-up sampling programs. Data are also presented for non-O157 STECs by each non-O157 STEC serogroup.

Between June 4, 2012 and Sept. 18, 2016, FSIS laboratory services analyzed a total of 14,972 beef trim samples (12,849 domestic and 2,123 imported), 3,559 routine follow-up samples (3,445 domestic and 114 imported) and 326 non-routine follow-up/traceback samples. One-hundred and sixty-eight samples were found to be positive: 98 were domestic trim samples, six were imported trim samples, 60 were domestic follow-up samples, and four were non-routine follow-up/traceback samples. To date, three samples have been positive for both O157:H7 and at least one non-O157 STEC strain, and nine samples have been positive for two different non-O157 O-groups.

To review testing results, visit the E. coli data tables at

Policy Updates

FSIS notices and directives on public health and regulatory issues are available at The following policy updates were recently issued:
•Notice 70-16 - Restoration of Forfeited Annual Leave
•Notice 71-16 - Prior Notification and Failure to Present
•Directive 1306.15 Revision 1 - Information Systems Contingency Planning
•Directive 1306.16 Revision 1 - Security Assurance
•Directive 5060.1 - Hygiene and Biosecurity Practices
•Directive 60201 Revision 1 - Enhanced Inspection of Poultry in Response to a Notification of a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreak

Food Recalls and Alerts

For information regarding recalls, please contact the Congressional and Public Affairs Staff at (202) 720-9113. You can also receive e-mail notifications when public health alerts and recalls are issued by registering at

Sign Up for Siluriformes Fish Inspection Email Updates

Want the latest news and information about Siluriformes fish inspection? FSIS’ email subscription service is an easy way to keep up with Agency news. You can receive e-mail notifications when new Siluriformes fish inspection information is posted. You can add or delete your subscription updates at any time and you have the option to password protect your account. For more information, visit

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Follow FSIS on Twitter at to find food safety information for at-risk populations, along with tips and resources to keep consumers and other interested groups informed of the latest Agency news and events.

Twitter en Español

FSIS Twitter en Español mantiene a los consumidores y otras comunidades informados de las últimas noticias y eventos de la agencia y ofrece consejos de seguridad alimentaria. Para más información visite

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Written by Risk Information Division