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International Risk Information

[New Zealand] Hearing notice for change in pesticide use (2016-08-01)
  • Registration Date 2016-08-03
  • Hit 592

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) advises that a hearing is scheduled on an application to extend the use of the insecticide Ampligo.

Ampligo contains the active ingredients lambda-cyhalothrin and chlorantraniliprole and has current approval for a maximum of three applications per season. The applicant, Syngenta, is seeking four applications per season, so it can be used on a broader range of crops.

The EPA has received two submissions on the proposal. A hearing, at 9.30am on August 25, will be held at the Willeston Conference Centre, Level 11, 15 Willeston Street, Wellington. A final decision will be available on the EPA website.

What we do: The EPA decides on applications for the release of hazardous substances under the HSNO Act. We assess the benefits, risks and costs of releasing hazardous substances to safeguard people and the environment.

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Written by Risk Information Division