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International Risk Information

[EU] FoodEx2 annual maintenance 2015 (2016-07-01)
  • Registration Date 2016-07-04
  • Hit 587


FoodEx2 is a comprehensive food classification and description system released by EFSA in 2011 (revision 1) and replaced in April 2015 by FoodEx2 revision 2, as a consequence of a testing phase. Afterwards, the annual maintenance of the system was carried out in order to evaluate further comments and proposals provided to EFSA by users and stakeholders during the year 2015. This technical report describes the outcome of the maintenance process, including addition of new terms, disposal of existing terms and amendments to existing terms.


A standardised food classification and description system is a key element to provide a common link to diverse information sources within different food safety domains. In order to match this need, in 2011 FoodEx2 (revision 1) was published by EFSA. After its first release, a major revision of the system was undertaken and in 2015 FoodEx2 revision 2 was published. The second revision achieved a good level of stability; however, innovation in the food market and accumulated experience by users lead to continuous need for updates in the system.

A maintenance technical group composed of EFSA staff with experience in different domains was set-up to evaluate and eventually implement proposals and requests provided by users and stakeholders during the year 2015.

Changes in the terminology and the structure of the system were applied: 271 new terms were added in different hierarchies and facets, the scope of some existing terms was better specified or expanded by changing the name or adding alias ? included terms, 3 terms were dismissed because duplicated and the use of 9 terms was discouraged due to inconsistency with the logic of the system. The applicability (i.e. the usage) of some terms was extended to further hierarchies and/or facets and the position of some terms in the hierarchy tree was changed since a better parent-child term relationship was found. Furthermore the structure and content of the FoodEx2 sections related to tea and herbal/fruit infusions were refined in order to align them with the Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 and with the THIE Compendium of Guidelines for Tea (Camellia sinensis).

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division