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[EU] Health claims guidance update ? have your say on revised scientific and technical requirements (2016-07-18)
  • Registration Date 2016-07-20
  • Hit 578

EFSA has launched a public consultation on its revised scientific and technical guidance for the preparation and presentation of a health claim application. Interested parties have until 12 September 2016 to submit comments on the draft document.

The original guidance document was published in 2007 and first updated in 2011. Since then EFSA’s Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA Panel) has gained considerable experience in the evaluation of claims. Based on lessons learnt from these experiences, feedback from stakeholders and recent scientific and technical developments in the area of health claims, the Panel revised its general scientific guidance for stakeholders on health claims applications in January 2016. That revision made it necessary to adapt the existing technical and scientific requirements for applicants.

The revised guidance aims to assist applicants in preparing and presenting their applications for authorisation of health claims on food. It details the requirements that applicants need to meet and introduces a common format to assist them in the preparation of a well-structured application dossier. The changes aim to increase the efficiency and consistency of the application process.

-Public consultation on the draft scientific and technical guidance for the preparation and presentation of a health claim application

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Written by Risk Information Division