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International Risk Information

[EU] Outcome of the pesticides peer review meeting on general recurring issues in mammalian toxicology (2016-08-05)
  • Registration Date 2016-08-08
  • Hit 634

This technical report reflects the outcome of the mammalian toxicology experts’ meeting on general recurring issues noted during the EFSA peer reviews of pesticide active substances under Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009. The main issues identified were related to the quality and level of details of the renewal assessment reports and the adherence to the new data requirements, in particular regarding in vitro metabolism studies, phototoxicity and photomutagenicity testing. General issues regarding the assessment of metabolites and impurities, the assessment of the potential for endocrine disruption, the proposals for classification and labelling and the assessment of literature search were also discussed. Conclusions and further recommendations on these issues are reported.

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Written by Risk Information Division