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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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International Risk Information

[Canada] Notice of Modification to Remove Epichlorohydrin From the List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents and 2-Nitropropane From the List of Permitted Carrier or Extraction Solvents (2016-06-29)
  • Registration Date 2016-07-01
  • Hit 822

The Federal Government completed a detailed safety assessment of epichlorohydrin and 2-nitropropane (2-NP), which also considered the current uses as food additives. Epichlorohydrin is permitted for use in the manufacture of modified food starch and 2-NP is permitted for use in the fractionation of vegetable oils. Since the current scientific information does not support the safety in use of either of these two additives, Health Canada completed a consultation on the proposal to remove epichlorohydrin from the List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents and 2-NP from the List of Permitted Carrier or Extraction Solvents.

Since no new scientific information was submitted to support continuing to permit the use of these two substances as food additives, Health Canada has removed epichlorohydrin from the List of Permitted Starch-Modifying Agents and 2-NP from the List of Permitted Carrier or Extraction Solvents, effective June 29 2016.

The purpose of this communication is to publically announce the Department's decision in this regard and to provide the appropriate contact information for any inquiries or for those wishing to submit any new scientific information relevant to the safety of these food additives.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division