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International Risk Information

[Australia] New biosecurity legislation comes into force tomorrow (2016-06-15)
  • Registration Date 2016-06-17
  • Hit 595

Australia is on the verge of the biggest overhaul to its biosecurity legislation in over a century, with the introduction of the Biosecurity Act 2015 from tomorrow.

Head of Biosecurity at the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, Lyn O’Connell, said the new Act represented a comprehensive modernisation of Australia’s biosecurity legislation and thanked all parties involved in its development.

“Tomorrow is a significant step forward in our ability to respond to global threats posed by exotic pests and diseases that have devastated other countries’ agricultural industries and environment,” Ms O’Connell said.

“I’d like to thank the agricultural stakeholders, industry peak bodies and members, state and territory governments, health professionals, environmental groups, trading partners and the general public who contributed to the development and implementation of this legislation.

“We all recognise the critical role biosecurity plays in maintaining the health of Australia’s agricultural industries and trading relationships.

“The new legislation replaces the Quarantine Act 1908 which was written in a completely different time where today’s technology, transportation systems and volumes and types of international trade were unimaginable.

“The old legislation has allowed us to effectively manage our biosecurity to date, but has been amended more than 50 times to cater for changing demands, leading to complex legislation with overlapping powers and provisions.

“The new legislation is designed to be easier to read and understand, and reduces duplication and regulatory impacts. It introduces a modern approach to support the biosecurity system into the future and accommodates advances in transport and technology.

“As an island nation, Australia is very fortunate to be free of many pests and diseases prevalent throughout the world and this legislation will help us to keep it that way.”

For more information and an interactive learning tool on the new legislation, visit The Biosecurity Act 2015.

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Written by Risk Information Division