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International Risk Information

[EU] Audit report on monitoring of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Denmark (2016-06-09)
  • Registration Date 2016-06-13
  • Hit 626

The Commission has published its first audit report on the implementation of EU rules on the harmonised monitoring and reporting of AMR in bacteria obtained from certain food and food producing animals. Harmonised monitoring data are crucial to understand current and future AMR trends and to develop strategies to fight AMR.

This audit is part of a project whose aim is assessing how Member States are implementing Decision 2013/652/EU. The project should serve to:

? provide information to stakeholders about AMR monitoring,
? identify common challenges regarding the implementation of legislative requirements,
? make recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of monitoring systems, and
? disseminate information on good practices.

The audit report concludes that Denmark has established a comprehensive and reliable AMR monitoring system. It found in addition that the awareness on AMR has increased at the level of authorities and professional organizations in the human and veterinary health areas, thanks to cooperation and high level initiatives. To further strengthen the monitoring of AMR, some recommendations were made. The report can be found at the "Read more..." link below.

An overview report containing the main findings and conclusions identified will be published upon completion of the project.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division