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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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International Risk Information

[UK] National Food Crime Unit launches 'Food Crime Confidential' (2016-06-23)
  • Registration Date 2016-06-27
  • Hit 631

The National Food Crime Unit has today launched ‘Food Crime Confidential’ - a reporting facility where food crime can be reported safely and in confidence, over the phone and through email.

The National Food Crime Unit has today launched Food Crime Confidential. This is a reporting facility where anyone with suspicions about food crime can report them safely and in confidence, over the phone or through email. The facility is particularly targeted at those working in or around the UK food industry.

The FSA’s National Food Crime Unit (NFCU) works with partners to protect people from serious criminal activity that impacts the safety or authenticity of food and drink they consume.

Food crime involves dishonesty at any stage in the production or supply of food. It is often complex and likely to be seriously detrimental to consumers, businesses or the general public interest.

NFCU would like to receive any information relating to suspected dishonesty involving food, drink or animal feed. In addition to identifying and being able to tackle specific instances of food crime, such information will help us learn more about the circumstances that make offending possible.

The National Food Crime Unit would like to hear from anyone if they have suspicions including:

- that food or drink contains things which it shouldn’t
- that methods used in your workplace for producing, processing, storing, labelling or transporting food do not seem quite right
- that an item of food or drink says it is of a certain quality or from a specific place or region, but it doesn’t appear to be.

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Written by Risk Information Division