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International Risk Information

[USA] FDA to Extend Comment Period on Draft Guidance for Industry: Action Level for Inorganic Arsenic in Rice Cereals for Infants (2016-06-29)
  • Registration Date 2016-07-01
  • Hit 629

Due to maintenance on the Federal eRulemaking portal from July 1 through July 5, 2016, the FDA will provide stakeholders an additional 14 days to comment on the following request for scientific data, information, and comments that appeared in the Federal Register on April 6, 2016:
-Inorganic Arsenic in Rice Cereals for Infants: Action Level; Draft Guidance for Industry; Supporting Document for Action Level for Inorganic Arsenic in Rice Cereals for Infants; Arsenic in Rice and Rice Products Risk Assessment: Report; Availability

The comment period, originally scheduled to close on July 5, 2016, will now close on July 19, 2016.

Attached File


Written by Risk Information Division