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International Risk Information

Biopharmaceuticals Global Growth Policy Forum on 01 Dec 2015
  • Registration Date 2015-11-27
  • Hit 6459

- The "Biopharmaceuticals Global Growth Policy Forum" is due to be held on Dec., 1, 2015 to find strategies for the industry, government and academia to grow together by providing support to expedite commercialization, enhance communication and support advance to overseas markets.
- The forum will be jointly-held with Dynamic BIO to enhance efficiency of the meeting.

○ Content
- Presentations to be made include success stories of domestically-manufactured biopharmaceuticals advancing to the global market, and latest development trends.
- Topics to be discussed include evaluations of 2015 public-private collaboration initiatives aiming to streamline regulations for vaccines, plasma derivatives, gene recombinants and gene and cell therapies, as well as areas for improvement in the future.

○ Expected outcomes
- Establish plans to streamline regulations to expedite biopharmaceutical commercialization and an advance to the global market.
- Develop a network comprised of experts in the industry and academia to create policies to support commercialization.
- Expand participation in policy making by biopharmaceutical experts and heed difficulties by creating a venue to communicate between the industry, government, and academia in biopharmaceuticals.

○ Future plans
- Exert continued effort to realize win-win between the government, industry and academia.

Attached File


Written by Park, Eun-soon