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International Risk Information

[USA] New labels for French growers (2019-03-14)
  • Registration Date 2019-03-19
  • Hit 513
The Demain la Terre® Charter, true foundation of the producers’ association, counts about 60 criteria around 9 themes: phytosanitary products, water, soil, biodiversity, energy, waste, economy and society. It oversees the commitment of the producers who are members of the association in order to build a responsible agriculture, respectful of the environment and people. In order to strengthen this commitment, the association Demain La Terre introduces two new criteria which respond to the farmers’ desire to reduce their use of pesticides, answer the strong societal demand for health- and environment-friendly products, and contribute to a political will focused on agroecology. No pesticide residue detected The first criterion, “no pesticide residue detected”, will enable the consumer to find a fruit or vegetable in which, after thorough analysis by an independent laboratory, no pesticide residue will have been detected. Based on the voluntary participation of the member producers, this new criterion will be added to the annual audit carried out on the farm by an independent inspection body. During this annual audit, compliance with the Demain La Terre specifications will be verified, including the “no pesticide residue detected” criterion. Of course, this new criterion is tied closely to the reduction in the use of pesticides (means and results obligations). As for the label on the final product, the indication “no pesticide residue detected” will be put on the product, in addition to the Demain La Terre logo. Cultivated without synthetic pesticide The second criterion, “cultivated without synthetic pesticide”, reflects a commitment regarding the production method. It will guarantee the consumer that the fruit or vegetable is produced in a manner that is more respectful of the environment. The producer who wishes to voluntary integrate this approach must indeed commit to using no synthetic pesticide from the seed to the final product. Therefore, only the products from the organic agriculture and biocontrol alternatives will be able to be used. This new criterion will also be added to the annual audit carried out at the member farm by an independent inspection body. During this audit, compliance with the Demain La Terre specifications will be verified, including the “cultivated without synthetic pesticide” criterion. The consumer will be able to identify these products thanks to the “cultivated without synthetic pesticide” label on the final product, in addition to the Demain La Terre logo. 11 member producers have already voluntarily validated their commitment to one of both of the criteria. These new developments make the association Demain la Terre and its members long-term committed actors in a renewed and safer agricultural model, in response to economic, societal and environmental expectations from both producers and consumers.
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Division Risk Information Division

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