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Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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[Press Release, Nov 30, 2020] MFDS issues English e-Newsletter for Foreign Testing Laboratory
  • Registration Date 2020-11-27
  • Hit 13053

[Press Release, Nov 30, 2020 / unofficial translation ]

MFDS issues English e-Newsletter for Foreign Testing Laboratory

- Provision of Information on Testing and Inspection Policy -

□ Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS, Minister Kim Ganglip) announced issuance and distribution of English e-Newsletter for Foreign Testing Laboratory (“FTL”) on 30th November.

o The e-Newsletter is to provide information on policies and other relevant updates regarding food and drug testing and inspection.

* Foreign Testing Laboratory: MFDS designates a specific testing and inspection laboratory located overseas to issue test reports in advance of the actual import for prompt customs clearance of imported foods.

○ MFDS started regularly issuing e-Newsletter to 60 FTLs overseas (China, Vietnam, etc.) and 8 embassies of FTLs in Korea on a yearly basis since 2012. It is to help FTLs on testing and inspection by providing the latest testing policy trends and active communication.

* Designated FTLs : 28 in China, 12 in Vietnam, 8 in Thailand, 5 in India, 4 in U.S.A., 1 each in France, Australia and Taiwan

○ Main contents of e-Newsletter include: ▲Testing·Inspection Policy Trends and Current status of FTL Evaluation ▲Amendments of ?Standards and Specification for Foods? ▲List of Imported Foods subject to Orders to Undergo Inspection and Main Test Methods ▲Notifications for FTLs. □ MFDS promised its ongoing and utmost efforts to cooperate with FTLs for the reliable testing and inspection, and believes FTL’s contribution to imported food safety control in advance through the E-newsletter.

□ MFDS promised its ongoing and utmost efforts to cooperate with FTLs for the reliable testing and inspection, and believes FTL’s contribution to imported food safety control in advance through the E-newsletter.

Attached File
  • 1130 e-Newsletter for Foreign Testing Laboratory.pdf Download preview

Division 국제협력담당관

Written by 배성명

Telephone 043-719-1559