Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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Card News

Comprehensive Plan for Drug Safety Management for Citizen's Healthy Life
  • Registration Date 2020-08-10
  • Hit 1022
Comprehensive Plan for Drug Safety Management for Citizen's Healthy Life from 2020 to 2024

Innovation of Whole Life-cycle Safety Management, creating a reliable environment to use drugs safely
Establishment of Smart Safety Management System, ensuring citizen's healthy life

[5 strategies]
1) Creating an ecosystem for developing innovative new drugs based on cutting-edge technologies
2) Reforming the ways of safety management from drug development to consumption
3) Patient-centered policies and an expansion of treatment opportunity
4) Creating an environment for the safe use and strengthening expertise based on public communication
5) Reforming regulations to a global level and expanding regulatory cooperation

Strategy 1- Creating an ecosystem for developing innovative new drugs based on cutting-edge technologies
Development and facilitating the commercialization of Advanced Biotherapeutics and Drug-Device Combination Products (DDC)

Strategy 2 - Reforming the ways of safety management from drug development to consumption
Establishment of whole life-cycle safety management and strengthening credibility of drug safety management

Strategy 3 - Patient-centered policies and an expansion of treatment opportunity
Increasing the accessibility of drugs and expanding treatment opportunities

Strategy 4 - Creating an environment for the safe use and strengthening expertise based on public communication
Substantializing relief system for adverse drug reactions
Strengthening the expertise and capabilities of drug approval system and quality control

Strategy 5 - Reforming regulations to a global level and expanding regulatory cooperation
Supporting the innovative growth of the pharmaceutical industry
Attached File
  • 의약품 안전관리 종합계획수립-정사각형.png
  • 의약품 안전관리 종합계획수립-2.png
  • 의약품 안전관리 종합계획수립-3.png
  • 의약품 안전관리 종합계획수립-4.png

Division 국제협력담당관

Written by 배성명

Telephone 043-719-1559