Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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Here's how food and drug safety polices changed, reflecting the public consensus and innovation
  • Registration Date 2020-06-24
  • Hit 897
Here's how food and drug safety polices changed, reflecting the public consensus and innovation.

Marking the 3rd Anniversary of the New Administration, here's how food/medicine policies changes.

1) Expand the operation of a Center for Child-care Food service Management
224 Centers for Child-care Food service Management are established nationwide to provide hygiene/nutrition management and educational services for Food service facilities in daycare centers, kindergartens, etc.
-> Currently supporting 78% of small-scale children's food service facilities which serve less than 100 people without any nutritionist, and continuously propelling the expansion of support.

2) South Korea wins WTO dispute over seafood import ban on Fukushima seafood
To protect Koreans' lives and health by alleviating their worries on radioactive pollution in foods imported from Japan after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident
-> Maintaining regulatory measures on imported foods from Japan

3) Full-fledged implementation of egg laying date labeling system
- Safety management system for eggs has been strengthened through the implementation of labeling of egg laying dates and the introduction of a sorted packaging distribution system for eggs for household use
- After the introduction of egg laying date labeling system, proportion of eggs with A-grade freshness increased to 82%
-> Creating an environment where consumers can feel safe when consuming eggs

4) Shared kitchens permitted
A pilot project, "shared kitchen" is operated, letting multiple businesses to share one kitchen.
Hygiene safety standards for shared kitchens are promoted for systematization.
-> Drastic regulatory improvement, vitalization of food service industry

5) PLS system applied to all agricultural products
Stronger management system for agricultural pesticides is needed as the volume and the diversity of imported agricultural products increase
-> Unregistered pesticides must be managed at the same level of undetected pesticides

6) Implementation of Hygienic Good Management Act
A control of hygienic goods, which was previously dispersed among multiple governmental departments, is unified under the MFDS, further strengthening the safety control
-> We're contributing to the improvement of hygiene standards for our citizens by mandatorily establishing import businesses of hygiene goods, reporting the productions and inspecting the safety of clearance stages

7) Implementation of custom cosmetics system
Propelling custom cosmetics system selling cosmetics by mixing, dividing, and repackaging base materials at stores, reflecting various factors such as an individual's skin type and preferences.
-> Promoting the excellency of K-beauty to the whole world, creating new markets through regulatory innovation

8) Supporting quick launches and the expansion of safety net for patients of cutting-edge biopharmaceuticals
Establishing a whole life-cycle safety management system which takes into consideration the characteristics of cutting-edge biopharmaceuticals utilizing live human cells, etc.
-> Strengthening quality management for the collection, handling, storage, etc. of cells and tissues used in the medications and implementing long-term tracking and observation targeting all patients who have received such medications
Supporting the commercialization of preventative treatment and medications for infectious, rare and incurable diseases through biopharmaceutical product categorization and a quick processing system.

Please refer to the Press Release on May 19, 2020 uploaded on our website under MFDS News > News & Notice for more information concerning this card news.
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Division 국제협력담당관

Written by 배성명

Telephone 043-719-1559