Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 국민 안심이 기준입니다 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR STANDARD

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Card News

Food and Drug Safety Policy Changes in 2021
  • Registration Date 2021-01-19
  • Hit 7400
Food and Drug Safety Policy Changes in 2021

[Enhance the development, supply and safety monitoring of COVID-19 medicines]
Expand infrastructure for the swift supply of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics
Establish criteria for the review and categorization of highly advanced biopharmaceuticals

[Re-design the foundation for food safety in preparation of future changes]
Allow food service establishments to provide outdoor services
Institutionalize shared-kitchen business activities
Enforce functionality labeling requirements for conventional foods
Strengthen the management of ground meat to enhance food safety (e.g. hamburger patties)

[Create reliable and healthy dietary environment for children]
Address blind spots in the hygiene and nutrition management of meal services for children
Expand nutritional labeling requirements for hamburgers sold in small- and medium-sized franchises

[Expand the digital infrastructure to take a life-cycle approach in the safety management of imported foods]
Introduce remote inspection system for foreign food establishments
Expand safety inspection on foods purchased directly from overseas and ban the sales and customs clearance of non-compliant products
Provide information on imported foods through mobile devices

[Create a pharmaceutical environment that ensures the safety of the people of Korea]
Conduct integrated and expedited reviews of clinical data through institutional review boards designated by the government
Utilize various real-world data from medical practices in pharmacovigilance
Operate the Quality by Design system for pharmaceuticals

[Promote the growth of the cosmetics industry by boosting the customized cosmetics business]
Expand job opportunities for customized cosmetics preparation manager
Refine the regulations regarding the sales of customized cosmetics

[Revamp medical device regulations and safeguard people's right to health]
Allow changes in the intended purpose of medical device for displays
Implement a certification system for the producers of software for innovative medical devices
Mandate the reporting of the cessation of production of medical devices
Attached File

Division 국제협력담당관

Written by 배성명

Telephone 043-719-1559